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Since 2016, TOBIN has been involved in the design and implementation of various ornithological surveys to obtain baseline data in order to assess the potential effects of the Uisce Éireann Water Supply Project Eastern and Midlands Region (WSP), on birds and their habitats.

The survey design and target species selection took into consideration the results of desktop studies, consultation with key government and non-government organisations, and the analysis of the typical bird communities likely to be found within the habitats of the ornithological study area.

Numerous survey methodologies were subsequently utilised to collect breeding and wintering bird data, including vantage point surveys, breeding bird walkovers, boat surveys, winter waterbird surveys, and hen harrier roost surveys.

The results of these surveys will be carefully analysed and used to provide robust scientific data for the Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment for the Proposed Project.

We’re proud to continue to play a key role in the WSP and are currently undertaking another round of ornithological surveys, in addition to other ecological surveys, along the route of the Proposed Project. As we look ahead, we’re excited to continue our collaboration with Uisce Éireann Irish Water, ensuring sustainable and reliable water solutions for the future.

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