March 24, 2020
The core requirement of the Greater Dublin Drainage project was to safely deliver a Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated marine outfall located in the northern part of the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), and an Orbital Drainage System linkin …
March 24, 2020
The INTERREG VA Programme is one of over 60 funding programmes across the European Union that have been specifically designed to address problems that arise from the existence of borders. The programme’s aim is to stimulate cross border co-operation …
March 24, 2020
The Irish Water 2017-2021 Investment Plan identified 52 No. Wastewater ‘Above Ground’ treatment projects where upgrade works are to be implemented through Irish Water’s gateways from conceptual design, on to construction and project closure. For the …
March 24, 2020
Until the 1960s, piped water to the rural population was unheard of. Community driven schemes filled that gap through the sourcing of local supplies and currently provide drinking water to 6% of Ireland’s population. The National Federation of Group …
March 24, 2020
A Preliminary Report was undertaken by TOBIN in 2012 to determine the best location for the treatment of wastewater from the Omeath Agglomeration and to identify the extent of works required to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing wastewater collect …
March 24, 2020
Project Alexion involved the provision of a resilient, clean water supply in the Blanchardstown area. The new main has been upsized to allow for more customers to connect in future without the need to construct a new water main. This significantly re …
February 26, 2020
Irish Water is working in partnership with Donegal County Council to deliver the Donegal Countywide Watermains Rehabilitation Project as part of the ongoing Donegal Water Conservation Project Stage 3 Scheme. Following a reappraisal of the water main …
February 26, 2020
The Glenbeg Water Treatment Plant is designed to treat up to 3,000m3 of water per day. The plant is located on the western shore of Glenbeg Lough on the Beara Peninsula, Co. Cork, and supplies treated water to Castletownbere and its environs, includ …
February 26, 2020
A Water Order secured under the 1942 Water Supplies Act gave the right to abstract up to 54,145m3 of water per day from Lough Mask. The phased development involved the provision of a supply connection to Westport Town from the Lough Mask Regional Wat …