Drehid Waste Facility

In 2002, we participated in a period of strategic review, with Bord na Móna, Ireland’s peatland authority wherein we examined the potential alignment of opportunity between the growing Waste [...]

Westport’s Sentinel

Two generations of the Forbes family combine in delivery of Westport’s iconic Sentinel In June 2012, out of the 563 entries, Westport was declared the winner of the competition to identify [...]

Galway Mosque

TOBIN Consulting Engineers lent their expertise in the design and construction of the Galway Mosque in Ballybrit. TOBIN provided full Project Management, Building Design and all associated [...]

48 – 50 James Street

The development was granted permission in November 2000, for the demolition of existing buildings 48, 48a, 49, 49a & 50 James Street and for the construction of a four storey building with [...]