This project consisted of the repurposing of an existing industrial unit in the Shannon Free Zone as a Control Centre and Workshop for the Future Mobility Campus which has been established across the Shannon Free Zone Area.
Future Mobility Campus Ireland (FMCI) is a not-for-profit organisation that was founded with the sole purpose of creating and delivering future mobility testbed facilities for stimulating research, development and innovation in the area of Autonomous Connected Electric Shared Vehicles (ACES), including Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) in Ireland. The testbed is located at Shannon Free Zone, Shannon, Co.Clare.
Construction works involved the complete remodelling and alteration of the existing industrial unit. Works involved the reconfiguration of the existing elevations to provide an external canopy, signage on the building, roof level plant structure, new personnel accesses and a new single-storey switchroom and substation to the rear of the building with all associated building works and site works.
The completed unit consisted of co-working office spaces, control rooms, 4 nr. workshops for conducting maintenance work on autonomous vehicles, meeting rooms, laboratories and canteen space.
TOBIN provided Civil and Structural Engineering services and carried out inspections and monitored the civil and structural elements during the Construction Stage. TOBIN we also appointed as PSDP for this project.
As PSDP and under our duties under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, we reviewed Design Risk Assessments prepared by all Designers relevant to the project to identify the particular risks on the project. In addition, we flagged hazards/risks associated with the construction works so that these can be eliminated if possible, or if not, reduced as far as is reasonably practicable, with information on any residual risks passed onto the PSCS / Contractor so that these residual risks could be controlled on-site.
Services provided by TOBIN Consulting Engineers on this project:
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering