
TOBIN prepared a source protection plan for the existing wells similar to work we are currently carrying out across the country with the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI).  The technical standard achieved within the Source Protection Zone (SPZ) delineation was that of the Geological Survey of Ireland, both in terms of implementation and reporting.

SPZ delineation involves a number of tasks that allow for iterative development of a holistic conceptual hydro-geological model of vertical and horizontal flow pathways. The primary stages in SPZ delineation broadly consist of a desk study, site visits, walk-over surveys, investigative field work, data analysis, interpretation and reporting, including preparation of SPZ maps using GIS tools. Each stage progressed and refined the conceptual model. An assessment was also carried out on the condition of the existing wells.

In addition, a revised discharge licence and NIS was completed as part of the works for Galmoy Mines.

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