Client: EirGrid
Key Facts:
- The Great Island – Kilkenny 110 kV Line is in County Wexford and County Kilkenny
- 49 km in length and has a total of 258 structures.
- Upgrade Project requires planning permission due to the potential for aspects of the project to negatively impact upon Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
Natural Habitats and Wildlife
Landowner Engagement Officers met with landowners and agreed access routes to the structures. Due to the ecological sensitivity of the lands along the Line, including the presence of SACs and SPAs, ecological surveys were required to be carried out. Ecologists spent two weeks carrying out walkover surveys of the access routes proposed by landowners. If the access route recommended by the landowner went over anything of ecological significance, the ecologist recommended an alternative route. This was to ensure that nothing of ecological significance would be damaged during the construction phase of the project.
Culture and Heritage
Archaeological surveys were also required to be carried out. Archaeologists spent two weeks carrying out walkover surveys of the access routes proposed by landowners. If the access route recommended by the landowner went over anything of historic significance, the archaeologist recommended an alternative route. This was to ensure that nothing of historic significance would be damaged during the construction phase of the project.
Equality and Fair Trade
The overall purpose of this line update project is to increase the line capacity by using a higher rated conductor. The key component of the line update is the replacement of the conductor. Structure replacements and hardware replacements are also needed to facilitate this new heavier conductor. These works are necessary to support the new conductor and thereby increase the line rating and to maintain its reliability and security. This will assist in securing power supplies in support of economic and social development in the area.