
TOBIN Consulting Engineers was appointed to apply our engineering capability and environmental expertise to secure planning permission for the 24MW Lisheen III Wind Farm development.  The 8 No. turbine wind farm is located approximately 3km west of Crosspatrick village with the turbine layout lying within two counties; Co. Kilkenny and Co. Laois. The works also included a proposed 20kV cable to connect the proposed Lisheen III Wind Farm to the existing Lisheen 110kV sub-station and associated access track within Killoran, Co. Tipperary. Conditional planning permission was granted by the Local Authorities in Kilkenny, Laois and Tipperary following the submission of the planning application which included an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Natural Impact Statement (NIS).

TOBIN was subsequently appointed to secure an amendment of the parent planning permission. The proposed amendment replaced infrastructure that was permitted but would not be built. This would lead to a net reduction of 1.2km of planned access track and underlying cable route within Tipperary and Kilkenny. TOBIN was successful in securing the amended planning permission from the Local Authorities from Kilkenny and Tipperary following submission of the planning application with an updated EIS and NIS.


Lisheen III

Lisheen III

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