TOBIN Consulting Engineers is proud of our continued involvement on the National Sports Campus project in Abbotstown, Co. Dublin. TOBIN is the lead technical advisor to Sport Ireland, our valued client, in delivering numerous projects on their Masterplan for this campus since 2009.
TOBIN is the lead technical advisor to Sport Ireland, our valued client, in delivering numerous projects on their Masterplan for this campus since 2009. This landmark project involves the development of external sports facilities including natural grass and synthetic pitches with ancillary fencing and floodlighting. It also includes large scale sports facilities including indoor athletic tracks, indoor courts, gyms, changing rooms and spectator accommodation.
This particular project highlights our capabilities working within the larger structures of a Project Master Plan through utilisng a multi-disciplinary team and the broad service reach across the TOBIN business. Our Building and Infrastructure and Environment divisions specifically, were instrumental in their respective roles considering the relevant principals of prevention and safety considerations in all aspects of the design with particular emphasis on the early incorporation of these measures.In our role as Lead Consultant for the various elements of these works, we have acted as the central point of contact for Sport Ireland in liaising with the various members of the design and construction teams. We provided specialist advice and design and contract administration services on these projects.
The relationships we have built with Sport Ireland have been excellent. The vision this agency shares is aligned in a very positive way with a number of TOBIN’s core values, none more so than the concepts of ‘sustainability’, ‘innovation’ and ‘people and relationships’. It is always exciting to be at the forefront of a big shift in national policy towards a certain sector. In this instance, it is specific to sport, and there is certainly something in the Irish psyche that becomes invigorated by sport. We have certainly been invigorated by our work on this project and we look forward to our continued partnership with Sports Ireland to ensure that the infrastructure now being put in place is there for many future generations of Irish sporting success.
To date, we have provided Project Management and Lead Consultancy services throughout all stages of the projects including Planning Review, Design Review, Tendering, Tender Evaluation & Award, Construction, Client’s Representative, QS, Handover and Defects Period. Working in close conjunction with Sport Ireland, we assumed the role of Employer’s Representative for, amongst other things, the development of the enabling and site infrastructure works for the campus, multi sport pitches, equestrian arena, the Campus Conference Centre, the FAI Training Headquarters and the National Indoor Arena.
The most significant project in the campus is the €57m National Indoor Arena, Phase 1 of this arena is due for completion in September 2016. The arena alone encompasses a National Indoor Athletics Training Centre, a National Gymnastics Training Centre, a National Indoor Training Centre as well as a full size synthetic soccer pitch and a half-size synthetic rugby pitch.
There are some notable long term strategies and sustainable development options being adopted by Sport Ireland with the provision of a High-Performance Centre and a new multi-purpose Campus Pavilion Building for example. The latter will provide a consistent income stream on a more commercial level by offering conferencing facilities to various entities within the region. In delivering this project, TOBIN has been able to draw on a number of key specialisms within our business across the following divisions: civil and structural engineering, quantity surveying, project management and environmental services.
Services provided by TOBIN Consulting Engineers on this project:
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Specialist Sports Infrastructure Design
Project Management
Quantity Surveying & Cost Management
Contract Administration
Planning Assistance Consultancy Services
Demolition & Site Preparation Works
We provided PM, Design and QS services for the Demolition and Site Preparation Works in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Permission granted by Fingal County Council in August 2009 under the Public Works Contract for Building Works designed by the Contractor, including: Demolition of existing buildings and Termination of existing services.
Civil Engineering Works
Our team at TOBIN reviewed planning and design details and provided project management services for the provision of roads and associated infrastructure including: a new 4-arm roundabout, new carriageways, new footways/cycle ways, street lighting to Access Roads, foul pipelines, surface water drainage, watermains and service ducting as well as associated landscaping works.
Building Works
For the Campus Pavilion Building and Gate House projects, we were the Lead Consultants and provided full project management, design, contract administration and QS services during the Employer Designed contract for the provision of structures and infrastructure. The Multisport Pavilion is a three storey building with a floor area of 524m² including changing rooms, administrative offices, meeting rooms, conference hall, ESB substation and switchgear rooms. The Gate House is a single storey building with a floor area of 28m². Our team also provided the Mechanical and Electrical services including building heating & lighting and for other contractors to install floodlighting & CCTV control equipment at both sites. TOBIN also covered the associated 4,200m² of car parking, internal access roads and footpaths with associated public lighting and minor landscaping works.
Community Synthetic Pitches
Our team at TOBIN also reviewed planning and design and provided project management services during the design build contract for the provision of the community synthetic pitches covering final earthworks profiling, pitch and path lighting including power supply, CCTV works, landscaping works and sports retention fencing works to pitches. The total area included twelve 7-a-side size pitches and one full size hockey pitch.
High Performance Training Centre for Irish Institute of Sport (IIS)
We were Lead Consultant providing Project Management, Specialist Sports Facility Design, Civil and Structural Engineering, Quantity Surveying and PSDP Services as well as acting as Employer’s Representative from Stage 1 through to Handover stage for the IIS. The facility enhances the existing facilities provided by the IIS at the National Sports Campus site in Abbottstown. The facility is a single storey construction of approx. 4,800m² which consists of an indoor Training Area including specialist 100m running track, boxing rings and gymnasium, Lecture Space, Physiotherapy and Medical Treatment Rooms, Changing Rooms, Social Ecology Kitchen and Living Space, Office Space and Meeting Rooms. The project was a contractor design and build project procured through etenders on a two stage restrictive tendering process.
National Indoor Arena (€57M value)
We are currently acting as Team Lead, Design R
eviewer, QS and PSDP for the construction of the 40,000m² (80m clear span, steel structure) National Indoor Arena leading a Multidisciplinary Team comprising International Architects, TOBIN Quantity Surveying, TOBIN Civil & Structural Design, Mechanical & Electrical Designer and Landscaping Architects. Phase 1 of the works is expected to be completed in September 2016. TOBIN are also providing lead consultancy services including design and QS services on the National Indoor Velodrome and Badminton Centre which is a 9000m2 steel framed building with clear span trusses. This project is currently at Tender Stage in a design build contract.
PSDP Services
TOBIN has and continues to provide full PSDP services on all past and present projects within the National Sports Campus.