The existing R498 at Latteragh is a single carriageway section which follows the contours around the Latteragh hills, adjacent to the meanders in the Nenagh River. This has led to the road having a sub-standard cross-section and has resulted in numerous collisions.
TOBIN has developed the scheme in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) publication Project Management Guidelines (PMG) through Phases:
- Phase 2 Route Selection
- Phase 3 Design
- Phase 4 Environmental Assessment Reports and Statutory Process.
TOBIN established the constraints for the area, developed assessed route options for improvement, assessed the preferred route, prepared the Part 8 Planning and Environmental documents and post Part 8 approvals and prepared the CPO drawings and schedules.
The R498 Road Realignment at Latteragh is approximately 4.5km in length to improve the narrow substandard road with a Type 3 Single Carriageway cross-section.
Scope of Services
The Scope of Service provided include:
- Project Management, including financial and funding updates;
- Stakeholder Consultations (including elected members of Tipperary County Council, NPWS, Inland Fisheries, OPW, An Taisce, Landowners);
- Project Appraisal, (including Traffic Modelling, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and preparation of the Project Appraisal Report in accordance with the TII Project Appraisal Guidelines);
- Public Consultations;
- Part 8 Planning;
- Environmental Assessment, (including AA and EIAR Screening);
- Landowner Consultations;
- Land Acquisition drawings and production of the CPO Drawings and Schedules;
- Procurement of Topographical Survey;
- Procurement, Administration and Site Supervision of Site Investigations;
- Preliminary Design River Bridges;
- Preliminary Design comprising:
- Road Design;
- Pedestrian and cycle facilities;
- Priority Junction Design (including junction assessment);
- Earthworks (significant soft soils);
- Drainage (including attenuation ponds and culverts);
- Utility diversions and new ducting;
- Pavement Design;
- Traffic Signs and Road Markings;
- Accommodation Works;
- Stage 1 Road Safety Audit;
- Project Supervisor Design Process;
- Design Process Traffic Management Plan