The hangar was designed to accommodate an A380 Aircraft among various other combinations of aircraft. The gross internal floor area of the hangar building is 8,447m² and includes office space, workshops, plant rooms and storage space. Ancillary buildings and structures within the curtilage of the site include an external pump house, gas skid and fire suppression tanks. The hangar is a steel framed aircraft hangar with 90m clear trusses and clad with insulated panels. The works also included for the construction of a 500m taxiway which links the new hangar to the existing taxiway network. The works had to be planned and constructed in an airport environment where security measures and operational activities had to continue throughout.
Environmental and sustainability was a key design consideration for the Hangar Project. Given the nature and size of the development, the following key elements form part of the design process and final project delivery:
• Control of VOC Emissions
• Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
• AA Screening / Appropriate Assessment due to proximity of the
Shannon Estuary /River Fergus SPA/cSAC
• Waste Management
• Sustainable material specification
• Environmental Sampling Points on Emission Stacks
Services provided by TOBIN Consulting Engineers on this project:
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Quantity Surveying & Cost Management
Project Management
Assigned Certifier
Planning Assistance Consultancy Services