TOBIN’s Water & Utilities Division has a proud history of delivering engineering solutions for the private water sector in Ireland. We have managed several key projects in this sector from inception through to completion. We have also provided specialist training to the rural water sector, including in 2005, when the Water Services National Training Group appointed TOBIN to prepare and deliver a training course on Leakage Control in Rural Water Supply Networks.

We also offer specialist source protection advice through our experienced hydrogeologists, and we were part of a consortium appointed by the EPA to establish Source Protection Zones and Zones of Contribution over a 4-year programme.

Through a broad range of in-house specialists, TOBIN have the necessary expertise to provide engineering solutions to the rural water sector, from source to tap.

Featured Project Examples

Mayo Rural Bundle

TOBIN was the Employer’s Representative for Mayo County Council on the Mayo Rural Water DBO Bundle 1A project. This project included upgrades to thirteen existing Group Water Scheme water treatment plants in County Mayo.

The thirteen plants served some 5,350 connections and supplied 4,000m3/d to the schemes.

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